Nov 22, 2011

Repeat Delta Elucidate From OLTP to BW System

Repeat Delta Elucidate From OLTP to BW System

In some business process data loading will be conducted on hourly bases through Timestamp Field, are often required as delta criteria for generic delta extraction. However, in many tables such the timestamp field is not available; instead the creation/change date and time are available. Generic delta needs to function on one field. This article explains how exactly request are processed BW system to at OLPT server and what are the dependent fields are interlinked to fill the TIMESTAMP field on runtime extractor.

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Dynamic Attachment using Simple Transformation

Dynamic Attachment using Simple Transformation

The main focus of this article is not about sending mails when a work item is created, currently the main focus of this article would be to creating an attachment dynamically. The attachment can be a .DOC, .XLS, .PDF, .XML.

The term dynamic here refers to the data and content that are populated during the workflow execution that can be either populated in the workflow container or work item container. This article specifically deals with creating a excel sheet and it can be extended to such an extent where you can even populate list values inside the generated excel sheet.

Ok…… let me say you how it can be done in simple 3 steps.

  1. Create a Business Class by including IF_WORKFLOW interface in the class.
  2. Create a Simple Transformation,to populate the values in the excel sheet call the transformation from a method created in the business class.
  3. Create a Standard task and include the new business class and method name and define the proper binding and finally include this task in a workflow.
Read here further... Link :

Nov 11, 2011

Program to Activate Transformation & DTP

Program to Activate Transformation & DTP


This paper provides a code which can be used to activate inactive Transformation's and DTP's. SAP has provided various programs for activating info-providers, transfer rules, etc but these two programs were missing from the standard set of programs.

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